Games and interactives

Grace Hopper: Bug Rescue
Grace Hopper: Bug Rescue is a puzzle action game, where you rescue your colleagues from machine circuitboards, terminals, algorithms and learn about computer science along the way. IN DEVELOPMENT

Full Colour Tiles
Bus, train and toilet friendly puzzle game created to test your power of logic. Complete each level by turning all the tiles to a single colour. All levels can be completed in 4 moves or less if you are skilled enough. OUT NOW
Games design and development -> games projects designed and built for PC, console, mobile and web. We design and develop client and independent games. Our prefferred technologies are Unity, PixiJS / web. Check out some of our projects here.
Interactives, display, transmedia, curios -> we have years of experience in animation, web, games and interactive design. We love making small creative projects for proof of concept, marketing, museum display and more. Need some big buttons, location specific stories, video controls: get in contact!
Contact us
Who we are

Ben Byford – T&C director, development, games design and level design. Making interactive digital projects for over 14 years.

We work with an amazing, talented, and trusted pool of freelance professionals.
Check out: the beautiful music & audio of Jack Fletcher; the always on the money game art, illustration, and UI Graphics of Joe Blakeston and Tom Waterhouse; the game designing and developing skills of Claire Morwood; and the epic illustration & graphics of Nicholas Willsher.